v6.41+dev1115 - November 15 2021
* Includes feature branch: r8brain free samplerate conversion mode
* Includes feature branch: Windows very long pathname support
* Includes feature branch: media explorer crossfades
* Includes feature branch: recording files wildcard support
* Includes feature branch: video render/convert normalization
* Includes feature branch: media item notes improvements
* Includes feature branch: .caf media format support
* Includes feature branch: ASWG metadata support
* Includes feature branch: media item lanes
+ ARA: update SDK to version 2.00, with ARM support
+ Media explorer: display .RPP start tempo rather than project tempo setting [t=259656]
# Media item lanes: fix glue with multiple item lanes [p=2497445]
# Razor edits: fix extra copies [p=2497447]
# VST: fix recent FX matching for new ident strings [p=2497358]
# r8brain: fix incorrect output at end of multichannel rendered files
# r8brain: small tweaks to lookahead calculation