v6.47rc1 - February 7 2022
* Includes feature branch: render internals simplification/cleanup
* Includes feature branch: user-defined action overhaul
* Includes feature branch: media explorer toolbar
+ Actions window: improve performance with very large numbers of actions
+ Actions window: improve sizing behavior with langpack-adjusted button sizes
+ Actions: improve system performance with large numbers of custom actions
+ Actions: increase maximum number of custom action/reascripts
+ CPU metering: option (FX chain and performance meter menus) to view CPU utilization as 1.0c = one core fully utilized
+ Command line: output usage help to stdout as well as displaying in a popup window
+ Custom actions: improve performance of action editor with large numbers of custom actions/reascripts
+ Customization: add Apply button to customize menu/toolbar window
+ Envelopes: do not select following envelope point when deleting via mouse click [t=262564]
+ Glue: improve handling of fades that overlap with other items [p=2519694]
+ JSFX: fix Volume Adjustment smoothing the first playback block [p=2521345]
+ MIDI editor: actions to navigate prev/next note move edit cursor
+ MIDI editor: improve non-synchronized playback behavior when changing project tempo
+ MIDI: handle splits and edge adjustments properly when MIDI items span partial measures [t=260847]
+ Markers: fix importing markers from .csv when marker names contain quotation marks [p=2524419]
+ Media Explorer: move "insert media", "auto-play", "start on bar" controls to default toolbar
+ Media Explorer: support customizable embedded toolbar
+ Media explorer: action to show media properties will display properties for last selected item if there is no current preview media
+ Media explorer: actions to tempo match half-speed or double-speed act as toggles
+ Media explorer: add action to show/hide toolbar
+ Media explorer: add optional media information box
+ Media item properties: double-click always resets take volume to unity or pan to center
+ Media item properties: prevent normalize button from creating multiple windows
+ Media items: add action to calculate loudness of selected items not including FX or track settings
+ Media items: hide VU meters when calculating loudness of selected items via dry run render
+ Menus/Toolbars: replace Save/Close buttons with OK/Cancel
+ Monitor: disable monitor signal fade-out on stop when preferences are configured to play FX, or play FX tails, when stopped
+ Notation editor: fix scrub mouse mapping [t=218135]
+ Project bay: fix display of shell VST3 plug-ins loaded by UID16 [t=262265]
+ ReaScript: MIDI_GetEvt/Note/CC/TextSysexEvt with negative event index now return false
+ ReaScript: improve GetMediaFileMetadata() returning of long strings
+ ReaScript: support longer input to GetSetProjectInfo_String("RENDER_METADATA") [p=2521173]
+ Render: add checkbox to only normalize files that are too loud [t=261667]
+ Render: add menu items to render dialog to change which render statistics are displayed
+ Render: allow trailing spaces in directory names on macOS/Linux [t=262788]
+ Render: internal simplifications
+ Render: preserve very long metadata when rendering [p=2524169]
+ Resampling: fix incorrect processing at end of item in r8brain free mode [t=262303]
+ Theme: default theme better displays 4 digit track numbers
+ Undo: fix undo of markers edited in ripple all and various nudge actions [t=262028]
+ Video: add project_timeoffs variable
+ Video: fix incorrect restart of peaks building when editing project during peaks build [t=262058]
+ Video: improve text overlay preset (can also display timecode, add fit bg to text parameter, change defaults)
+ Volume readouts: better distinguish between values very close to +0dB and +0dB exactly
+ WALTER: add trackidx (0 is master, 1 is first track, <0 is unknown/invalid), ntracks (<0 if invalid) for track contexts
+ Windows: fix signing of 32-bit executables and include git revision in win32 build
+ Windows: prevent opening multiple "set media item playback rate" dialogs
+ macOS: improve performance of bridged plug-ins
+ macOS: refresh various controls when switching to/from dark mode [p=2517137]
+ macOS: run media/afx worker threads in realtime/audio workgroup if Time Critical priority is set
# Actions: fix OSC bindings to 32-bit IDs (scripts)
# Actions: fix UTF-8 support for actions list/actions editor
# Actions: workaround SWS issue, SWS should be updated to not unregister IDs it doesn't own (or not unregister IDs at all, really)
# CPU metering: show separate menu items for per-core and total metering
# Color theme: add 150% and 200% toolbar icons for media explorer
# Glue: improve handling of overlapping media item fades [p=2520907]
# MIDI editor: fix various grid-related actions [p=2519203]
# Media explorer: add action to show/hide media information box to toolbar
# Media explorer: add action to show/hide toolbar to "show" menu
# Media explorer: add media properties, preserve pitch option, dock action to default toolbar
# Media explorer: add toolbar buttons to tempo match double speed, half speed
# Media explorer: automatically brighten color for unwritten metadata in macOS dark mode
# Media explorer: fix configurable auto-crossfade length persistence
# Media explorer: hide media information box when peaks height is small
# Media explorer: left-justify toolbar buttons
# Media explorer: more tweaks to control resizing
# Media explorer: remove ex_properties_for_current_media toolbar icon, add ex_properties_for_current_media_on and ex_properties_for_current_media_off
# Media explorer: replace tempo match dropdown with toolbar button
# Media explorer: support custom actions as custom toolbar buttons
# Media explorer: support moving toolbar from media explorer to floating
# Media explorer: tweak control auto-layout logic
# Media explorer: update toolbar buttons after any action
# OSC: fix loading of OSC/action bindings [p=2515309]
# Render: fix web page display of rendered file length and channel count [p=2518363]
# macOS: fix more dark/light mode switch cases [p=2518846]
# macOS: revert some previous arm64 tweaks in branch