AVA Music Group offers 60% off the epic Quantum trailer sound effects until August 31st, 2022.
Quantum is a collection of over 600 samples, carefully crafted to compliment high-impact visuals. It usually sells for €140, but right now, you can grab it for €56 with a 60% discount.
It’s no exaggeration to say that the right sounds/music can make or break a scene, and that can be especially true of a trailer. A good trailer is a powerful thing; how many times has a great trailer encouraged you to go to the cinema, only to find out the remaining two hours of the movie is terrible?
Quantum can make people want to see your terrible movies!
Wait, no, that’s not what I’m saying; unless Steven Seagal is reading this, then that’s what I’m saying to him. But, for everyone else, if you work hard on making something great, you should give it the best chance of success, which means promoting it in the best way.
Major Hollywood studios have used Quantum in trailers for movies like Men in Black International; you can also hear it in a trailer from the Gears of War gaming franchise.
While I’m ranting, I think it’s important to remember you don’t need to be working on a Hollywood blockbuster to give it the Hollywood treatment. Too many people sell themselves short by uploading lackluster previews or trailers, which won’t cut it with so much competing content available.
Quantum’s samples are grouped into seven categories, each with three variations (Dark, Distant, and Distorted). The categories include Whoosh Hits, Drones, Whooshes, Booms, Hits, Downers, Risers, and Loops. The collection is, of course, entirely royalty-free.
You might want to partner Quantum with AVA Music Group’s Eminence cinematic instrument for Kontakt.
Another thing to consider is that a great cinematic pack isn’t just for feature films and games; they are excellent for branding opportunities, like the title card of a vlog, tutorial series, etc. You can use the same sounds (or similar) throughout your content to highlight specific elements and build brand consistency.
If you don’t have a project on the go, you can use these sounds ironically; film a friend doing something mundane like having a coffee, add lots of B roll cutaways to reinforce the importance and time-sensitive nature of the situation, and epic sounds. Complete waste of time, but funny!
Finally, we can’t discuss cinematic sounds without mentioning the Cinematic SFX pack from Flame Sound.
More info:
Quantum (60% OFF until August 31s, 2022)
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