VSTBuzz launched a 72% OFF deal on Bute Limiter 2 by Signum Audio (€19 sale price until October 12th, 2022).
Limiters are essential for producers or mixing/mastering engineers of any genre. Whether it’s to help a specific track/instrument fit better into the mix or cut off peaks on the master bus, a sound limiter is always helpful.
Bute Limiter 2 is a true peak brick wall limiter. Normal limiters often allow audio signals to pass above the designated threshold levels.
A true peak brick wall limiter cuts the audio signal entirely at a predetermined threshold so that no information will exceed the limiter.
Signum Audio created Bute Limiter 2 with functionality in mind. The plugin has a resizable user interface that’s bright and colorful and displays the limiter’s various meters.
Users can also collapse the plugin to a smaller size to actively monitor the limiter without occupying so much screen real estate.
At the forefront of Bute Limiter 2 is your standard set of limiter controls, such as threshold and release.
These effects are then displayed with different colors to show the true peak meter and overall gain reduction.
The plugin also includes both a pre-gain function as well as post-gain.
Users can add pre-gain like a maximizer and push the input gain before limiting is applied. Post-gain is helpful to compensate for potential changes in volume caused by the limiter.
All the changes made are tracked in the history view, allowing users to see the peaks, levels, etc., from previous settings they applied.
Signum Audio also adds five different release curves that users can apply. Each curve has a different level of attack/release that’ll determine how strong the limiter will affect the audio signal.
Finally, the various effects offered in Bute Limiter 2 are automatable within your daw to allow maximum control.
Bute Limiter 2 is compatible with Windows 8.1 and higher or Mac OS 10.9 or higher. This plugin is available in VST, AU, and AAX formats.
To purchase this plugin, follow the link to the VST Buzz website and click “Buy Now.” At the checkout, you must input standard shipping information; after payment, you’ll receive download/installation instructions.
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Bute Limiter 2 (72% OFF @ VSTBuzz)
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资讯出处:Get 72% OFF Signum Audio Bute Limiter 2 @ VSTBuzz - Bedroom Producers Blog