v6.68+dev1004 - October 4 2022
* Includes feature branch: razor edits on master track envelopes
* Includes feature branch: selected media item appearance changes
* Includes feature branch: track grouping manager dialog
* Includes feature branch: CLAP plugin support
* Includes feature branch: track media/razor edit grouping
* Includes feature branch: improve experimental silent-track CPU reduction option to include FX tail length
* Includes feature branch: media item fixed lanes
* Includes feature branch: internal pin management overhaul for future extension
+ Media import: copy media to project directory if configured on paste of items/tracks [p=2600753]
+ Pan: fix hard-pan level when gain compensation applied and pan law is not +0dB [t=271230]
# Razor edit: fix incorrect behavior of razor edits in ripple-all mode [p=2601531]
# VST3: more compatible bus activation due to pin mapper changes