Daniel Gergely announces the beta version of Spirals, a free dual delay plugin with pitch-shifting capabilities for Windows and macOS.
Spirals is an inspiring new dual delay and pitching shifting plugin currently available for free. Gergely is also the developer of another free plugin called Emergence, a popular ‘creative granular’ processor. Like its predecessor, Spirals includes a number of interesting features that make this plugin unique.
As well as independently controlled dual delays, Spitals features an in-built filter with an attached frequency response dial, as well as controls for resonance, drive, feedback, crossfeed, and a ‘reverse’ mode. There is also the option to assign the reverse mode to each channel independently – this option is quite rare for delay plugins, but it is a welcome feature.
Usually, ‘reverse’ delays are a global effect, and so having the ability to have both reverse and standard delays mirrored across the stereo field is an interesting addition.
The plugin also includes pitch shifters for each of the dual delays, with which you can pitch-shift +/- 24 semitones and detune +/- 100 cents. This plugin also allows you to create ‘cross feedbacks’ between delays, opening up the space for some pretty experimental sounds.
Overall, this is a great plugin with a simple interface. This plugin’s unique features will no doubt be inspiring for many producers looking to experiment – the sound can be so distinct from the sound source that, in many ways, Spirals is an instrument in itself. Spirals is well-designed and creatively developed, this plugin is a must-have.
One thing you should consider is that Spirals is currently in the beta phase, so there are likely to be adjustments made to the software.
The developer has suggested that: “the current features might change before v1.0 is released. I recommended you to render any sounds you wish to keep if you decide to use the plugin in your projects.”
Gergely welcomes feedback on the plugin, especially concerning improvements, and encourages users to “try the plugin and post your feedback in the discussion board” on his website.
Spirals is available in VST/VST3 for Windows and VST/VST3 & AU for macOS.
Spirals (beta)
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资讯出处:Daniel Gergely Releases FREE Spirals Pitch Shifting Delay Plugin - Bedroom Producers Blog