v7.0pre21 - September 13 2023
* Includes feature branch: MIDI CC vertical zoom/scroll
* Includes feature branch: optionally hide collapsed tracks within a folder
* Includes feature branch: export mouse modifiers as a script
* Includes feature branch: target individual fixed lanes when pasting media items
* Includes feature branch: support rendering raw PCM data
* Includes feature branch: Development_Theme theme
* Includes feature branch: JSFX plug-in defined compile-time configuration parameters
* Includes feature branch: video YUV gamut selection
* Includes feature branch: visual track spacers
* Includes feature branch: 128 channels per track
* Includes feature branch: updated Windows manifest for newer OS features
* Includes feature branch: always running non-bypassed FX when the UI is visible
* Includes feature branch: crossfade new recording with existing media items if configured
* Includes feature branch: video from background projects
* Includes feature branch: FX containers
* Includes feature branch: improvements to aligning takes after recording
* Includes feature branch: arrange view override mouse modifier sections
* Includes feature branch: toolbar armed/special animations
* Includes feature branch: pooled and unpooled ARA edits
* Includes feature branch: shortcut import/export improvements and multiple main keyboard sections
* Includes feature branch: GR metering as embedded UI for third-party VSTs
* Includes feature branch: media item fixed lanes
+ MIDI editor: do not display inactive takes after switching takes [t=278959]
+ MIDI editor: support vertical zoom/scroll in CC lanes
+ MIDI editor: when switching active MIDI item, adjust vertical scroll if all notes would be offscreen
+ Preferences: if the current color theme overrides media item coloring preferences, display the theme-set preferences (grayed out) in Preferences/Appearance/Peaks/Waveforms
+ Takes: prevent auto-force-offline of inactive takes which are surrounded by one or more empty takes
# Media item lanes: update comp areas on changes to source lane loop, channel, pitchshift parameters
# Media items: do not draw selection dot when continuous scroll is occurring
# Media items: retain media item selection state on hidden tracks [p=2710414]
# Mixer: update after drag/drop creates new track