v7.0rc10 - October 11 2023
* Includes feature branch: support up to 32 main toolbars, 16 MIDI toolbars
* Includes feature branch: MIDI CC vertical zoom/scroll
* Includes feature branch: optionally hide collapsed tracks within a folder
* Includes feature branch: export mouse modifiers as a script
* Includes feature branch: target individual fixed lanes when pasting media items
* Includes feature branch: support rendering raw PCM data
* Includes feature branch: Development_Theme theme
* Includes feature branch: JSFX plug-in defined compile-time configuration parameters
* Includes feature branch: video YUV gamut selection
* Includes feature branch: visual track spacers
* Includes feature branch: 128 channels per track
* Includes feature branch: updated Windows manifest for newer OS features
* Includes feature branch: always running non-bypassed FX when the UI is visible
* Includes feature branch: crossfade new recording with existing media items if configured
* Includes feature branch: video from background projects
* Includes feature branch: FX containers
* Includes feature branch: improvements to aligning takes after recording
* Includes feature branch: arrange view override mouse modifier sections
* Includes feature branch: toolbar armed/special animations
* Includes feature branch: pooled and unpooled ARA edits
* Includes feature branch: shortcut import/export improvements and multiple main keyboard sections
* Includes feature branch: GR metering as embedded UI for third-party VSTs
* Includes feature branch: media item fixed lanes
+ CLAP: fix recording automation in touch mode [t=279975]
+ Color theme: add theme elements for unsynced media item in comping lane
+ Media item lanes: when comping, click an unsynced media item to re-comp it
+ Menu customization window: improve drag/drop behavior near top of listview
+ Preferences: remember last selected mouse modfier context when closing/restarting REAPER
+ Routing: allow drag/drop sidechain creation to FX in containers, floating windows
+ Track groups: improve split behavior [p=2719354]
# API: fix hookcommand2 for custom actions
# Media item lanes: add mouse modifier to move comp area and adjacent comp area edges on one axis only
# Media item lanes: allow editing comp area edges when using mouse modifier 'move comp area vertically'
# Media item lanes: avoid changing source lane for last comp area when clicking to the right of all media items [p=2719200]
# Media item lanes: comp only the active take of a multi-take source item
# Media item lanes: do not display unsynced comp areas at all, except as a highlight on source lane media
# Media item lanes: improve behavior when razor edit copying/moving comp areas across tracks
# Media item lanes: improve behavior with certain comp area mouse modifier/preference combinations [p=2719217]
# Media item lanes: update comp areas when switching active take
# Media item lanes: use different cursor when clicking would change comp area source lane
# Menus: fix customized track spacer menu persistence
# Recording: restore v6 option to always add takes when loop recording
# TCP menu: fix customization issue [p=2719561]
# Theme: theme updates