

ReaTeam Scripts/Project Properties/ReaLauncher [v2.3 -> v2.4]
v2.4 by solger – September 12 2021

  • Favorites: First implementation of [Favorites] tab
  • Filter: Jumping back from the filter textbox to the list is now also possible by pressing the 'TAB' key again (in addition to the 'RETURN' key)
  • Follow Actions: Added new [Follow Actions] tab to set Command IDs of (Custom) Actions that are triggered after certain operations (New Tab, Load Project, etc.)
  • General: First implementation of file caching functions
  • General: Added sort options
  • General: Added js_ReaScriptAPI check for macOS ARM version
  • General: Bugfix for a possible error caused by an invalid stored path when trying to load Lokasenna's GUI library v2
  • General: Bugfix for closing the window by pressing 'ESC' only once
  • General: Renamed [Show in Explorer/Finder] button to [Locate in Explorer/Finder] and changed shortcut to 'L'
  • General: The toggle state is now reflected in Toolbar Buttons and the 'State' column of the Action List
  • Options: Added 'Open properties on new project' checkbox to open the project settings window on new projects/tabs
  • Options: Added 'Show paths in status bar' setting to display the path of the selected list entry in the status bar (and its tooltip)
  • Options: First implementation of a window toggle key function to close the window again with a predefined shortcut
  • Recent Projects: Removing entries is now also possible in filtered lists
  • Scan Settings: Added new tab with options to exclude folders with certain names from file scanning and options to limit the depth level and range of folders to scan
  • Subpanel: Fixed a bug in subfolder scan/filter logic
  • Subpanel: The last selection in the subfolder/sublist panel is now remembered
  • Track Templates: Added 'Insert in Tab' option to insert the selected Track Template(s) directly in a new tab
  • UI: General layout overhaul
  • UI: [Options] and [Paths] settings are now in dedicated tabs
  • UI: Added new [Layout / Colors] tab and options for color customization
  • UI: Visibility of the Main (button) Panel on the right can now be toggled on/off in [Layout / Colors]. If hidden, these functions are accessible via menu (Middle Click or 'M' shortcut).
  • UI: Subpanels on the left side can now be shown/hidden independently per tab (previously it was a single global setting)
  • UI: Added 'HiDPi mode' options (Auto, Default, Retina) in [Layout / Colors] to set the gfx.ext_retina flag automatically/manually
  • UI: Added buttons to adjust the window scaling size (besides using the already available key shortcuts)
  • UI: Added option to scale the listbox font size (via key shortcuts and UI buttons)





What’s ReaLauncher?

ReaLauncher is a custom and Lua-based version of the standard Reaper startup prompt window with a number of additional features (more info in the Feature overview below).
Powered by Lokasenna’s GUI library v2 for Lua (see link in the Install instructions below). So also a big thanks to Lokasenna for his work!


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