here is the White Tie guide to what the various parts of the MIDI NOTE COLOR MAP do…
and also a Photoshop template that might save you some time when making new color maps…
in the template there is one layer for the middle colors at the upper half of the map
you can fastly change it by using FX with a gradient overlay on that layer
you can create your own gradient with as many colors as you like
you will see 17 guide lines for this section that roughly help you see how your gradient colors will layout
when you have this upper middle section done to your taste, dupe that layer and move it down to fill the lower middle area
for the 12 single color bars at the left and also for the 17 single color bars at the right there is
one layer for each of those… they are found inside the folders for 12 left and 17 right
again each of those layers can be fastly colored with FX using the color overlay
when you have a version all to your taste, do a Save as …as a ‘your name’.png
put it wherever you like in your reaper folder… I put all my MIDI COLOR MAPS in their own sub folder inside the color themes folder
open the MIDI Editor, and the Action list for it and filter for ‘color map’ and you’ll find an action to load a color map.
use that to navigate to your folder of color maps and select one.