v6.47+dev0214 - February 14 2022
* Includes feature branch: improved peak building
* Includes feature branch: batch converter improvements
* Includes feature branch: improved zoomed-in peaks performance
* Includes feature branch: FX chain oversampling
* Includes feature branch: media item fixed lanes
+ FX envelopes: copy/move envelopes correctly between instances of ReaSurroundPan with different configurations [p=2526379]
+ MIDI playback: fix incorrect event duplication when exploding certain MIDI content by channel [t=261174]
+ MIDI playback: improve tick-to-sample rounding logic
+ Media explorer: prevent unnecessary scroll-to-left when browsing
+ Media item properties: reset volume/pan slider on double-click [t=263028]
+ Media items: fix possible incorrect calculation when running action to clear and recalculate auto-stretch at project tempo changes
+ Media items: fix possible stretch marker corruption when applying auto-stretch at tempo changes [t=257439]
+ Media items: recalculate auto-stretch markers when undoing tempo envelope edits [t=257439]
+ Menus/toolbars: in customize menus/toolbars window, leave OK button enabled even if there have been no changes [p=2526098]
+ Render: support jumping to loudest sample in project after render (including dry run render)
# ARA: load plugins that only support ARA API version 2.0 draft (vs 2.0 final)