v6.61+dev0623 - June 23 2022
* Incudes feature branch: render statistics improvements
* Incudes feature branch: media explorer loudness calculation
* Includes feature branch: fixed lane play markers
* Includes feature branch: improve experimental silent-track CPU reduction option to include FX tail length
* Includes feature branch: media item fixed lanes
* Includes feature branch: internal pin management overhaul for future extension
+ FX: improve parameter link behavior (midi CC and loading project, or linking with invalid parameters) [t=250096]
+ Pan: fix pan evaluation offset when stopped [p=2571736]
+ Pan: rename pan law options to sin/cos taper, linear taper, and hybrid taper
# Media item fixed lanes: add lane play marker mouse modifier to adjust crossfade
# Media item fixed lanes: fix adding overlapping media to soloed lane [p=2571715]
# Media item fixed lanes: fix editing lane play markers when partial measures exist [p=2571728]
# Media item fixed lanes: fix various insert actions when lanes are collapsed [p=2571737]