Slowslicing releases Uzumaki, a freeware FM/phase distortion plugin for Windows.
If you’ve ever been looking for an easy way to modulate any audio together, Uzumaki could be the answer.
Uzumaki is a bit of a quirky plugin in both design and function. The developer, Slowslicing, suggests that Uzumaki could be the only plugin of its kind at the moment, and I couldn’t disagree; I’ve never used anything that does the same thing.
So it’s quirky in that it’s perhaps one of a kind or unusual at the least.
Uzumaki allows you to FM (via synthesizer-style phase modulation) any two mixer channels together by sidechaining them. The developer has uploaded a helpful tutorial video to YouTube that’s worth checking out, especially if you’re using FL Studio.
Uzumaki is essentially a one-knob plugin, although it’s more of an other-worldly spiral than a knob. You can activate the FM effect by clicking and dragging on the plugin to turn the spiral.
Since you can choose any two audio sources you like, it’s hard to put a cap on the sound design potential of this plugin. I’d love to hear some more creative demos in addition to the more functional tutorial/demo from the developer. So, if any of you Windows folk out there use Uzumaki on a track/project, please feel free to share; I’d love to hear what you do with it.
Any Manga fans will know the name Junji Ito the Mangaka behind some of the genre’s most popular series. I have to concede that maybe I’m just not that cool, but I didn’t know.
Junji Ito created a three-volume horror series called Uzumaki, which is the inspiration for this plugin (and explains the bold artwork).
I’m going to go from the slightly weird and potentially wonderful to something much more mundane (but wonderful) now; BBC Symphony Orchestra Discover. It’s completely unrelated, I know, but I’ll take any chance I can to give it a mention; it’s an incredible freebie, and now you don’t need to wait for it or fill in a questionnaire.
Uzumaki is available in VST3 format for Windows (64-bit).
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