v6.66+dev0830 - August 30 2022
* Includes feature branch: specify channel counts per-region in region render matrix
* Includes feature branch: media item fade editing changes
* Includes feature branch: selected media item appearance changes
* Includes feature branch: track grouping manager dialog
* Includes feature branch: CLAP plugin support
* Includes feature branch: track media/razor edit grouping
* Includes feature branch: improve experimental silent-track CPU reduction option to include FX tail length
* Includes feature branch: media item fixed lanes
* Includes feature branch: internal pin management overhaul for future extension
+ JSFX: allow reading #dbg_desc from [t=270068]
+ Localization: support media explorer size units
+ Media explorer: fix incoherent file size display for certain sizes [p=2591068]
+ Media items: mouse modifiers to adjust item contents and left or right edge affect all selected/grouped items with edges that align
+ Project metadata: support sorting list by category
+ User prompts: use OK/Cancel for various proceed/cancel prompts rather than Yes/No [t=251472]
+ VST: avoid crashing reaper when a bridged VST3 crashes [t=270087]
+ VST: fix incorrect parameter changes being sent to bridged VST3 in certain instances
+ Windows: fix shortcut creation for DX plug-ins [t=270111]