v6.39rc1 - October 26 2021
+ Accessibility: improve focus state restoration when navigating media explorer
+ Actions: send all-notes-off also sends all-sounds-off
+ Automation: fix editing automation items for FX parameters with inverted range [p=2489968]
+ Command line: support both -template and filename arguments [t=258395]
+ FX browser: include more JSFX in Cockos category when only showing JSFX filenames
+ JSFX: greater precision for $e and $phi
+ Linux: fix fullscreen behavior (6.37 regression) [t=258543]
+ Linux: fix issues with owned windows being lost in the Z order after entering/leaving fullscreen
+ Linux: make initial focus of various windows (e.g. perf meter) match that of macOS/Windows
+ Linux: use native fullscreen API to improve main window fullscreen on KWin/Plasma
+ MIDI editor: send all-sound-off in addition to all-notes-off on preview playback stop
+ MIDI: send all-sound-off messages in addition to all-notes-off when configured to do so on stop
+ Media explorer: add action to rename file
+ Media explorer: display .rpp metadata
+ Media explorer: fix restarting playback from non-zero position when changing playback rate [p=2489305]
+ Media explorer: respect project option to preserve pitch when changing rate in new items when importing media via action with no rate adjustment set
+ Media explorer: send all-sounds-off in addition to all-notes-off when ending MIDI previews
+ Media explorer: update display after toggling favorite status
+ Metronome: add actions to set metronome speed to 1x, 2x, 4x
+ Metronome: support 2x or 4x click speed multiplier
+ Metronome: update click source peaks display when updating metronome settings or click source properties
+ Mouse modifiers: add modifier to adjust fade-in/fade-out curve with relative edge edit [t=258427]
+ Opus: update to opus-1.3.1
+ Opus: update to opusfile 0.12
+ Project notes: support automatic word wrap
+ Project: add title field in Project Settings/Info dialog, accessible to render, metadata, etc wildcards as $title
+ Razor edit: suppress group selection edge highlight when razor editing
+ Razor edits: add preference to always trim content behind razor edits to Preferences/Project/Media Item Defaults
+ ReaControlMIDI: send all-sound-off messages when clicking all notes off button, show all-sound-off messages when logging all-notes-off
+ ReaPlugs: ReaSynth/ReaSynDr/ReaVoice/RS5k now respond to all-sound-off messages
+ ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String() RECORD_PATH_SECONDARY
+ ReaScript: add MIDI_GetRecentInputEvent() for enumerating recent MIDI input events
+ ReaScript: deprecate GetSetProjectAuthor, use GetSetProjectInfo_String with desc="PROJECT_AUTHOR" instead
+ ReaVerb: Channel Tool allows forcing the total channel count of impulse response
+ ReaVerb: add Convolve mode to Channel Tool
+ ReaVerb: allow setting channel offset directly when adding an IR file
+ ReaVerb: support drag/drop of impulse file into plugin
+ Render: specify utf-8 character set for HTML render statistics display
+ Subprojects: write =START time to rendered file as BWF preferred start position
+ Theme adjuster: fix macOS-arm64 retina drawing
+ Theme adjuster: improve usability on vertically-constrained displays [t=255162]
+ Theme: improve mixer meter positioning [t=258633]
+ Track MIDI meters: exclude all-sound-off from activity indicators
+ Track VU: add option to measure LUFS on first two channels only
+ VST3: fix MIDI data passthrough [t=258648]
+ Web interface: improve mobile-web-app-capable meta tags for various pages
+ Windows: fix drag and drop with experimental multimonitor aware v2 hidpi mode [t=258794]
+ Windows: ignore alt-key mouseup when using alt+mousewheel [t=251477]
+ Windows: installer always installs JSFX library
# Linux: improve KWin fullscreen behavior
# Linux: preserve owned window Z order when switching to/from fullscreen [p=2489658]
# ReaScript: MIDI_GetRecentInputEvent() ignores midi clock/active sensing messages